Tuesday, January 1, 2013

"porn industry fan boi stalkers – meet TRPWL Sean Tompkins : puppet of Diane Duke and Ari Bass"


dangerous trpwl sean tompkins
Sean Tompkins of Pornwikileaks aka TRPWL (40 something years old – lived  at home with his mother till she died – father of 4 kids by 3 women.)
*Update: As of current the PNT team believes thatSean Tompkins may be involved in the coverup of pornstar Donny Long’s disappearance (it is thought Donny may no longer be alive – click here for info).DO NOT VISIT The Real Pornwikileaks TRPWL website – RISK of MALWARE infecting your computer!
If Sean approaches you at the Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas, use extreme caution. According to this article Sean perfectly fits the profile of a MASS SHOOTER (a GUN SHOW is being held the same time as the porn expo – not good…)
Monica Foster commentary: If you are a pornstar, ex-pornstar, webcam model or any other type of adult entertainer – please familiarize yourself with this type of person (defined within the porn community as a “fan boi”).
sean tompkins owed 20K in child support in 2009 - did he ever pay it?
Sean Tompkins owed over $20,000 in child support in 2009 according to this document fowarded to the PNT team – did he ever pay it? Why does it appear that he is more willing to spend money on porn and pornstars rather than his children?
For the last couple of years, I’ve had to deal with an online (and offline) obsessed fan and stalker by the name of Sean Tompkins (known publicly in the online Los Angeles porn community as TRPWL of The Real Pornwikileaks), who not only has been extremely invasive to my personal life, but the lives of my family members as well (who have never had anything to do with the porn industry).Sean Tompkins utilized the situation of Pornwikileaks (of which I believe he not only assisted in building and promoting, but has fraudulently claimed to “bring to and end” ) to establish a presence for himself within the porn industry, and since has utilized his station and influence to continue to openly stalk, slander, harass, terrorize and defame myself and family via telephone, his website, various adult industry forums and via a multitude of other venues.
Did Nancy ever collect the child support Sean Tompkins owed in 2009 according to this document? If not why is he spending money to attend the AVN awards in 2013?
As of current Sean Tompkins has in excess of 60 blog posts on his TRPWL website about myself and family members.  I personally am afraid of this man in regards to my physical safety and have had to go to authorities in regards to the situation. His tweets and blogs reflect that of someone who is uneducated, manipulative, needy, psychologically ill, a victim of childhood abuse and who (now as an adult) gets a sexual thrill from harming women.
I do fear that Sean Tompkins sexual attraction to me of which he apparently can not control (and of which manifests in the form of aggression towards me) may lead to him either physically assault or murder me – unless someone steps in to give him the psychological help assistance of which he needs. Only in the arena of adult entertainment can a person behave as Sean Tompkins does (which may be why he has been so desperate to establish himself in the porn industry to begin with).
trpwl obsessed with monica foster - tweets - an agressive and dangerous man
Click to enlarge: various tweets and posts over the past few years in regards to black women, Monica Foster and her father Ivan (who he appears very fixated on and who he regularly has posted homophobic comments in regards to). These posts display a pattern of behavior and point towards Sean Tompkins having the desire to physically harm or kill Monica Foster due his frustration of having a sexual attraction towards her and issue with his advances being rejected by her.
trpwl obsessed with monica foster original pwl wiki
Click to enlarge: A section of Sean Tompkins original Pornwikileaks wiki. As of current it appears it is Sean Tompkins who controls Encyclopedia Dramatica where this was briefly reposted earlier this week but since deleted. The only wikis on that site from pornwikileaks are of Monica Foster, Mark Spiegler, Mike South and Mercedes Ashley – 4 people who are key to Sean Tompkins maintaining his presence in the Los Angeles porn industry.
Individuals who have analyzed Tompkins have reached the conclusion that the Pornwikileaks attack on my family members was most likely solely instigated by Tompkins in effort to play the “hero” in the end.
ari bass aka michael whiteacre and diane duke may control Sean Tompkins TRPWL of the real porn wiki leaks
Diane Duke of the Free Speech Coalition and Ari Bass aka Michael Whiteacre it seems may be the real master minds behind The Real Porn WikiLeaks website and the release of the AIM data on the initial Pornwikileaks forum – Sean Tompkins doesn’t seem educated or creative enough to act solely on his own. Both Diane Duke and Ari Bass stood to gain quite a bit from the closure of AIM and the establishment of the APHSS for talent testing (which is controlled by the Free Speech Coalition who in turn has been heavily funded by Manwin).
In addition, it appears as though Diane Duke of the Free Speech Coalition and Ari Bass aka Michael Whiteacre have taken advantage of Sean Tompkins’ aggressive yet gullible nature to essentially use him as an “attack dog” against those who have chosen to speak out against the dangers of the Los Angeles pornographic industry (and anyone for that matter who is a threat to their agendas).
It is rumored that both Duke and Bass have made various promises to Sean Tompkins and may have even given him funds in regards to his actions against Michael Weinstein (of the Aids Healthcare Foundation)Sean’s failed “No on Measure B” campaign (of which he still clings to though Measure B has passed into law) is evidence of this.
If there is anyone else who has had the misfortune of experiencing similar behavior with TRPWL / Sean Tompkins and you are need of the original screen grabs of the above tweets or blog posts, along with other evidence needed to establish a pattern of behavior I can be contacted via pornnewstoday at gmail dot com.
a text message that may prove Sean Tompkins may have taken over the pornwikileaks domain and other sites of Donny Long
A text message from Sean Tompkins that may prove  he took over the pornwikileaks domain and other sites of Donny Long. He claimed to be assisting with brokering the sale of the Pornwikileaks domain, but it’s thought he retained it himself.
There is a major difference between a porn fan (or a fan of anyone or anything for that matter), and the type of individual Sean Tompkins is.
Published: August 25, 1998
STALKERS are wreaking havoc in the lives of millions of Americans. Every year, a recent national study by the Justice Department disclosed, an estimated one million women and 400,000 men are plagued by unrelenting pursuers who harass, terrorize and in some cases kill the victims or anyone else deemed to be in the way of a stalker’s desired goal.
One in 20 women in the United States will be stalked at some point in their lives, various studies have suggested. In a survey last year among college students in West Virginia, 34 percent of the women and 17 percent of the men said they had been stalked. The ability of stalkers to find and harass their victims has been aided in recent years by computers, E-mail and the Internet, which has spawned a new psychiatric legal term: cyberstalking.
truth of sean tompkins - why is he incriminating the Free Speech Coalition (FSC) and Mark Spiegler by stating they pay him to "stalk and kill"?
Click to enlarge: Why is Sean Tompkins incriminating the Free Speech Coalition (FSC) and Mark Spiegler by stating they pay him to “stalk and kill”?
The extent of the stalking problem and its potential for growth through cyberstalking has astonished even the most astute researchers in the field and prompted a call for stronger laws and stricter enforcement of existing statutes to better protect the victims of stalkers, even when there is no direct threat to their physical safety.
”Stalkers simply do not fade away,” said Rhonda Saunders, Deputy District Attorney in Los Angeles and head of the Stalking and Threat Assessment Team. Stronger state laws, she said, would ”enable law enforcement to intervene before serious bodily injury is inflicted on the victim or those surrounding the victim.”
Though stalking is centuries old, it is a relatively new crime, first rendered illegal in this country by a 1990 California statute and later by laws in every state and the District of Columbia. The legal definitions and the arrests they precipitated opened the way to detailed scientific research, which is summarized for the first time in ”The Psychology of Stalking: Clinical and Forensic Perspectives,” edited by Dr. J. Reid Meloy and published this summer by Academic Press.
Although only 2 percent of stalkers commit homicide, half of them threaten their victims with violence or say they are going to damage property or injure pets, according to studies. Even when no physical harm results, the repeated harassment commonly results in acute emotional distress and can seriously disrupt the way victims live. Some lose their jobs when stalkers plague them at work, and some are forced to move and change their identity and appearance.
Dr. Paul E. Mullen, professor of psychiatry at Monash University in Australia, who runs a clinic that treats both stalkers and their victims, said that 70 percent of the victims suffered from a form of post-traumatic stress disorder, marked by chronic anxiety, depression and sleep disturbances. Nearly one in four victims has considered suicide, he said.
sean tompkins pornography fanboi stalker consistently harassing and terrorizing ex pornstar Monica Foster
Yet only about half the stalking victims ever report their problem to the police, studies indicate. Even when they do, the police may not take action until and unless the victim is physically injured or threatened with a weapon.
Movies like ”The Graduate,” in which the stalking man eventually wins the resistant woman, ”Fatal Attraction,” in which an unhinged woman stalks her married one-night stand, and dramatic cases like John Hinckley Jr.’s attempt to woo the actress Jodie Foster by shooting President Ronald Reagan, have created many mistaken impressions about stalkers, their motives, their usual victims and how successful they are. In most cases, a man who stalks a former lover succeeds only in torturing his victim, not winning her back.
The new collection of studies reports that in addition to former boyfriends and husbands, stalkers include casual acquaintances, disgruntled employees and business associates, vengeful neighbors and total strangers, as well as former girlfriends and wives.
The studies described in the book, the first in-depth look at the psychology of stalkers, found that the underlying problems of stalkers run the gamut of psychiatric and personality disorders.
And virtually anyone can become a victim. Although celebrities like Madonna and David Letterman who are stalked by crazed strangers are most likely to make the news, the vast majority of victims are ordinary people who knew their stalkers, usually as lovers or spouses.
Stalking after the break-up of a physically abusive relationship has received considerable public attention in recent years, but experts on the subject report that women are more commonly stalked by men they once dated or married who were not abusive before the relationship ended.
Dr. Doris M. Hall, a specialist in criminal justice at California State University at Bakersfield, tells of a California woman who was stalked by her former husband for 31 years. Though the woman had a hard time persuading the police to take the matter seriously, her stalker was finally arrested after being found on her block with a loaded gun.
Sometimes stalkers seem to pick their victims at random, prompted, perhaps, by the end of a relationship with someone else, by some real or imagined slight or, out of paranoia, for a reason that has no apparent connection to reality.
Dr. Kristine K. Kienlen, a psychologist in St. Peter, Minn., who evaluates criminals and patients who are mentally ill and dangerous, tells of a 31-year-old man who, after his divorce, began stalking a young teen-age girl he knew. At first he merely attended her athletic events and wrote of his desire to date her. But after four years of failing to achieve his goal, he began breaking into her home and stealing items from her bedroom, including her photo album, the contents of which he returned to her one picture at a time.
A Minnesota woman said in an interview that she has been tormented for nearly two years by a man she had dismissed from his job for repeatedly calling her and another woman at home and at work, accusing them of ”wanting his body and stealing from his home.” When the man began showing up at his former boss’s home with a shotgun, she got a restraining order and a gun of her own. But he has yet to be imprisoned. And only after she dismissed him did the woman learn that the ”glowing recommendation” he had received from a previous employer had failed to mention that he was dismissed from that job as well for stalking two women at work.
What prompts someone to stalk need not be as traumatic as a lost love or job. A retired couple reported being stalked by a business acquaintance after a minor disagreement. And a woman in her 70′s was stalked by a woman of similar age for reasons she could never discern.
Men are stalked as well, and indeed are more often victims of violence by their stalkers, Dr. Hall said. One young man, she said, sought a restraining order to end the unrelenting pursuit by his former girlfriend. The judge, who told the man he should be ”flattered by all the attention,” nevertheless issued mutual restraining orders, which proved useless to the man. He was killed by the woman several weeks later.
Dr. Hall said that typically, when a man sought police protection from a woman who was stalking him, the authorities did not take him seriously. In her study of 16 men who were stalking victims, 56 percent were stalked by women; 44 percent were stalked by other men. She also said that when a woman stalks after the break-up of a relationship with a man, she will often go after the man’s new girlfriend, ”probably because women scare more easily than men do.”
”The Psychology of Stalking,” includes articles by 23 experts summarizing what they have learned about this noxious behavior, its underlying psychopathology and motives and the often devastating effects it has on its victims.
About one fact all the researchers agree. ”There is no single profile of a stalker,” said Dr. Kienlen, a contributor to the book. ”Stalkers exhibit a broad range of behaviors, motivations and psychological traits.”
Some stalkers have psychiatric illnesses, ranging from depression and schizophrenia to erotomania — a delusional belief that the person is loved by another — and most appear to have a personality disorder like extreme narcissism or dependency or an inability to sustain close relationships.
”Stalkers tend to have both — a mental illness and a personality disorder,” Dr. Meloy, a psychiatrist affiliated with the University of California at San Diego, said in an interview. ”And those who stalk strangers are more likely to be psychotic than those who stalk prior sexual intimates. The latter are more likely to be drug or alcohol abusers with a dependency personality disorder.”
Dr. Kienlen conducted the first preliminary study of the backgrounds and psychological profiles of stalkers. More than half of the 24 male stalkers she interviewed had evidence of what psychologists call an attachment disorder stemming from the childhood loss or absence of a caring and consistent parent or guardian, usually in the first six years of life.
Although the theory of attachment disorder has its critics, Dr. Kienlen and other experts in stalking believe it may be a ”predisposing factor” for stalking behavior by making it difficult for the person to establish and maintain healthy relationships. ”Their parents may have divorced and the custodial parent had little contact with the child,” she said. ”The parents may have had a drug or alcohol problem; the child may have been physically, sexually or emotionally abused or even totally abandoned.”
Dr. Kienlen said she had encountered three kinds of attachment disorders among stalkers. The ”preoccupied” stalker has a poor self-image but a positive view of others and constantly seeks their approval and validation in order to feel good about himself. When rejected by others, the person stalks to restore his sense of self.
The ”fearful” stalker has a poor self-image as well but also sees others as unreliable and unsupportive. The stalker tends to get caught in a vicious cycle of wanting someone to boost his own self-image, then rejecting the person for not being trustworthy, which prompts the person to stalk because he again needs someone to boost his sagging ego.
The ”dismissing” stalker thinks of other people as jerks and usually remains distant from them to maintain an inflated self-image. The stalker with dismissing attachment disorder who does form attachments become angry when a breakup occurs and may stalk out of revenge, to retaliate for being mistreated.
Most of the stalkers Dr. Kienlen interviewed also had extreme personality disturbances. The most frequent one encountered in stalkers was narcissistic personality disorder, which Dr. Kienlen said gave stalkers an inflated sense of self-worth and an intense need for other people to compliment and idolize them.
Other personality disorders experts frequently encounter in stalkers are extreme dependency, constantly needing the support, attention and approval of other people, and borderline personality disorder, having unstable moods and an exaggerated reaction to rejection and abandonment. Only about 10 percent of stalkers have an antisocial personality disorder, with an above-it-all detachment from other people that is most often encountered in criminals.
In 80 percent of the men Dr. Kienlen interviewed, there was also a precipitating factor, such as a recent loss that seriously upset them and seemed to have brought on their stalking behavior. The losses ranged from the break-up of an intimate relationship, a lost job and death of a parent to learning that they themselves had a serious illness.
”My theory is that in these vulnerable individuals, the losses damaged their sense of self-worth,” Dr. Kienlen said. ”To alleviate their grief or feelings of emptiness, they compensated by focusing on stalking. Sometimes the stalker blames the victim for the loss and stalks out of anger.”"

1 comment:

  1. Hi Crystal, my name is Chris Bayley. My wife and I are living in Tonasket Wa and are in the middle of a horrible situation with Sean Tompkins. If you have any information against Sean that is admissible in court, we could really use it. My number is 509-710-2820
