Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Nevada Slapp, Free Speech Threat District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL Docket as of February 24th, 2013

Nevada Slapp, Free Speech Threat District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL Docket as of February 24th, 2013

Unconstitutional Nevada SLAPP District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL Continues, “Defendant's Counter Complaint is STRICKEN. Defendant may only file her Counter Complaint as a separate lawsuit. Signed by Judge Gloria M. Navarro on 2/22/13.”. Per Court Order, Pro Se Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox, Now Plaintiff Crystal Cox Filed a "Separate Lawsuit".

"Judge Gloria Navarro DENIED Pro Se Plaintiff Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox to file a counterclaim in District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL. Docket Entry Number 89 (ECF Nos. 48 and 63), Dated February 22nd 2013, Signed by Judge Gloria M. Navarro of District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL states, “Defendant's Counter Complaint is STRICKEN. Defendant may only file her Counter Complaint as a separate lawsuit. Signed by Judge Gloria M. Navarro on 2/22/13.” Therefore Pro Se Litigant Crystal Cox is filed a separate Judicial Ordered / Court Ordered claim. "separate lawsuit" as per instructions and court ruling."

I, Pro SE Litigant Crystal Cox was Court Ordered to File a Separate Claim, So I Did. If Judge Gloria Navarro BLOCKS this As Well, I will have to file in another district, or mail into the District of Nevada. Stay Tuned to see just how Corrupt District of Nevada is and who ALL is involved in this Alleged Corruption.

Here is the "Separate Lawsuit" I, Pro Se Blogger Crystal L. Cox have "Attempted" to File to REPLACE the DENIED Counterclaim / Counter Complaint.

“Defendant's Counter Complaint is STRICKEN. Defendant may only file her Counter Complaint as a separate lawsuit. Signed by Judge Gloria M. Navarro on 2/22/13.”

District of Nevada Judge Gloria Navarro: Ever Heard of a Court Blocking a Counter Complaint? Especially after the Court Gave the Defendant Until Months to Serve Counter Defendants. Plaintiff Was also a Counter Defendant and did not bother to answer the Complaint, he Knew it would be Dismissed and they say NOPE, NO Conspiracy HERE. One Counter Defendant even accepted service and it never made it to the court docket. Geez, anyone see an Possible Corruption in the District of Nevada? NOPE.. Turn your Heads and let the Victims Suffer at the hands of Taxpayer Money Paid to Judging Doing the Bidding for "Constitutional Attorneys".

An alleged Constitutional Rights Lawyer sues a blogger and takes away her constitutional rights, rights to due process and works with a Judge to Unconstitutionally Tie the hands of the Defendant and force Defendant to fight only the claims asserted by Plaintiff, who is the  Constitutional Rights Lawyer.

It is Unconstitutionally to BAN a Defendant from Filing a counter complaint where claims can be asserted that are different than those asserted by Plaintiff.

Judge Gloria Navarro FORBID Defendant / Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox from filing a Counter Claim, this is unlawful and unconstitutional. Judge Gloria Navarro refuses to remove herself from this case, though her conflict is blatant and obvious.

Judge Gloria Navarro allowed counter claim, all counter defendants were on the docket, months past, an amended counter claim was filed. One Defendant, Roxanne Grinage filed a document of accepting service, Judge Gloria Navarro never allowed this onto the docket, why? This was a month ago.

Judge Gloria Navarro, to favor Plaintiff, his Law Firm and to Favor Ronald D. Green, formerly of Greenberg Traurig, simply stuck my 169 page counter claim from the record. This also protects massive co-conspirators, huge tech and media companies, reporters and more. All in one sweep of an unconstitutional DELETION of a Pro Se Litigant / Defendants Answer to a Complaint

Plaintiff used this complaint to further defame Crystal Cox and flat out lie about Crystal Cox. Plaintiff has lies riddled throughout the filings and motions and they are all Firmly on the docket. Yet my TRUTH, my Defense is removed from the permanent record to protect Randazza Legal Group, Marc Randazza, Ronald D. Green, Greenberg Traurig and all the Counter Defendants I legitimately named.

The Courts placed all Counter Defendants on the Docket months ago, if it was not proper to have made the claims, I Pro Se Defendant, Pro Se Counter Plaintiff Crystal Cox made then why not strike my Counter Claim before putting it on the docket. Why Strike it Months Later? Well, in my opinion to protect corruption, and PROTECT the Plaintiff. And possible Porn Industry Money and Mafia Money.

Judge Gloria Navarro has allowed Plaintiff and co-conspirators to threaten me and my sources, to act outside of the law, to harass defendants as his own attorney, to put my life in danger, to accuse me of a Crime in public documents that I have not been on trial for or had due process or and yet we are to believe that Judge Gloria Navarro is neutral and has no conflict of interest that would have her reclused, removed, disqualified in this case?

Judge Gloria Navarro is an Unconstitutional Judge, she gives Plaintiff Law Firm Unconstitutional Preliminary Injunctions whenever he asks for it. Judge Gloria Navarro has taken my rights, my personal property, put my life in danger, and ruined the quality of my life all to protect the lies of this plaintiff in which he stated, and she accepted as fact with NO proof.

Judge Gloria Navarro has handcuffed me, Pro Se Defendant Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL and has DENIED me a DEFENSE entirely.

Judge Gloria Navarro has blocked me from an amended complaint because this court FEARS the charges and thus has evaded letting me merely fix the amended complaint.

Pro Se Defendant Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL filed an amended complaint that certainly was relevant. Plaintiff accused me of conspiracy, I proved in my counter complaint that Plaintiff is the one involved in a conspiracy, Judge Gloria Navarro simply through this complaint out, stricken from the record.

In the Oregon Courts, though I do claim Judge Marco Hernandez was favoring the Plaintiff, and protecting Portland Corruption, at least he simply Denied my Counter Claim, he did not strike it from the record and Ban a Counter Complaint.

Check Out the Following Cases with this Same Plaintiff and Judge Gloria Navarro

Research "ViaView, Inc. v. Chanson et al", "Randazza V. Cox", "Liberty Media Holdings LLC v. FF Magnat Limited", The Righthaven Lawsuits, to start with and see if you don't see Pattern and History.

Got a Tip or Want me to Join you in a Class Action Legal Action? email me at  or 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Free Speech Messiah Sues Blogger Who Criticizes Him. Yet Defends this Blogger as Protected by the First Amendment. Talk about a Hypocrite. Sure Sounds Like a Free Speech Advocate YET Sues a BLOGGER for "disturbing his apple cart". A Blogger that won't let go of a story she is passionate about, and this MAN Defends her. Yet Sues Blogger Crystal Cox for Criticizing HIM?

The Law Needs to Look at Journalism as a Thing You Do and NOT Thing you ARE?

Is this an Original QUOTE ?, Nope. .. this statement is riddled through out the Obsidian V. Cox Case and the Appeal Briefs. The Documents of my Case say this OVER and OVER, yet now the Cronies of the Puppet Master act as if this is some Magic QUOTE By their Free Speech Messiah, who is actually a Free SPEECH Opponent if you can READ the FACTS.

So worship away, but KNOW that this Messiah (Impostor) did not say this FIRST that is For Sure. I am the Case Study for this TOPIC in Obsidian V. Cox, this man is quoting from my case, and at the same time SUING me to Suppress me. He negotiated on my Alleged behalf in Obsidian V. Cox, according to members of the First Amendment Bar, yet sues me to further defame me, take away my first amendment rights and teach me a lesson for criticizing him.

Hypocritical Super Hero Free Speech Messiah.

Yet Suing a Blogger Who is Exercising Her Free Speech Right
to Criticize him, Parody him, report on him, review him,
gripe about him, and poke fun at him. 

The Blogger Exposing the Story; a Hero Indeed

this Attorney a Free Speech Advocate? 
No.. Selectively Maybe, but in General NO WAY.

Also Check Out

More on the Documents of the Crystal Cox Case of it's about a "thing" you do and not a thing "your are".. Obsidian Finance Group V. Blogger Crystal Cox
Open Appeal Brief Eugene Volokh
Response Brief Eugene Volokh
Reporters Commettee for Freedom of the Press Amicus
Scotus Blog Amicus Brieg
EFF Amicus Brief

Also Check Out this Link for Some More INFORMATION on Hypocrites and FREE SPEECH

Wa Wa, that Mean Ol' Blogger Crystal Cox called my Wife a SLUT. Her punishment shall be REMOVAL of her First Amendment Rights, Stealing her Domain Names, Deleting her Blogs, Publicly lying about her and Defaming her, harassing her, threatening her, accusing her of Crimes she has had no due process on and fining her hundreds of thousands of dollars. Meanwhile, I, the Puppet Master will go on to DEFEND the WORLD to Call anyone a SLUT they want and to Buy Whatever Domain Name they want and have ANY blog name or title they want, after ALL the FIRST Amendment is FOR EVERYONE.. oh except that Blogger Calling me Names...

ahhh  Did somebody Call Somebodies Wife a SLUT? 
Or Go After Howie Carr's Wife? Ahh .. Get Over it Howie,
look at the Bigger Issue and Get Past your Hate of the Man.

OR Sue them, take their domain names, disgrace them, defame them !!!

Why is there a Profound National Freak Out About This... Geez.. Pull Up your Big Girl Panties and deal with it .. oh unless your the Puppet Master, then Sue and PUT an END to this Shit.

If anyone SHOULD defend someone who says SOMETHING unpopular and perhaps a little bit "Off Color" IT SHOULD BE YOU.. WoW.. it Should be WHO?

Can you Believe this asshole on the Right Sued a Blogger for all this Same "Off Color" Bullshit.
Check This Out

Talk about a LYING, Hypocritical, BUTTHURT Asshole.. oh and THUG and Bully.

What do you mean he went after your Wife HOWIE? You should have hired the Puppet master and his Reining King Position over the Courts, then there could have been MAGIC punishing those who would dare "go after your wife" as you say.

See Folks it's all in which Hypocritical, Devil Worshipping Attorney you HIRE at $500 an Hour. Oh and if he can't get a JOB, he will SUE YOU, and then have his court Slaves (Judges) Freeze your accounts and FORCE you to pay his $500 an hour FEES to SUE You for calling his wife a SLUT and saying Critical Things about him on this Big Ol' Naughty Internet.

The Puppet Master Says, He was Trying to Be Funny, and well that's not cool Howie, but step back from HATING the Man and think of the ISSUE.  Really? Yet the Puppet Master on the Right here, Hated a Blogger So much that he sued her, took her domain names, deleted her blogs, lied about her in WIPO Complaints, Defamed her, disgraced her, and continues to harass and intimidate her, ME, Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox, all because he could not STEP back from HATING the WOMAN and Look at the "Issue".

PUPPET MASTER QUOTE, "If we are going to tolerate FREE SPEECH, and we are going to LOVE Free Speech we gotta love it all"

oh Except for that Evil Bitch Crystal Cox calling me names and making Jokes about my Rabid, Dumb Ass and calling my Sweet Angel Wife a Slut.. then Free Speech SUCKS and I will take care of her, I Will Make her MY ENEMY and she will feel the PAIN I Inflict for a VERY LONG TIME... and the First Amendment and Free Speech will Be My Weapon to Destroy her..

Also Check Out this Link for Some More INFORMATION

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Free Speech Legal ~ Free Speech Coalition

Visitor Analysis & System Spec
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IP Address: — [Label IP Address]Operating System:MacOSX
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21 Feb13:08:40

Hey Everett, that's a little bit better. Rox Prox, But I Can Still See Ya.. So.. Are ya Mercedes Ashley, Sean Tompkins or their possible "mark", say a Boeing Execute? Hmmm

Visitor Analysis & System Spec
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21 Feb07:12:37

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District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL, Judge Gloria M. Navarro Order Denying Disqualification of Judge Gloria M. Navarro, RULING by Judge Gloria M. Navarro

Pro Se Defendant / Pro Se Plaintiff Crystal Cox Moves to Disqualify District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL Judge Gloria M. Navarro. ( Disqualify is Different then Removal and Reclusal as per Law)

Pro Se Defendant / Pro Se Plaintiff Crystal Cox Moves to Disqualify District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL Judge Gloria M. Navarro

Judge Gloria M. Navarro Rules on whether to Disqualify herself and of course issues an Order Denying Disqualification of Judge Gloria M. Navarro, RULING by Judge Gloria M. Navarro

District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL, Judge Gloria M. Navarro Order Denying Disqualification of Judge Gloria M. Navarro, RULING by Judge Gloria M. Navarro

Legal Information Regarding Judicial Qualification

Research on Filing Against a Bond, Nevada Judge

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013

District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL; Nevada SLAPP Lawsuit, Nevada Retaliation Lawsuit, Chilling Effect Lawsuit, First Amendment Threat Lawsuit, Freedom of Expression Suppression Lawsuit. Transparency and Accountability DEMANDED in the Courts. Equality of Law and the First Amended DEMANDED.

  Judicial Rulings, Order by Judge Gloria Navarro

District of Nevada Docket Entry 14 Regarding TRO, Preliminary Injunction

Docket Entry 41District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL Judge Gloria M. Navarro Ruling Granting Preliminary Injunction to Plaintiff.

District of Nevada Docket Entry 76 Deny Powers to Order Investigation of Plaintiff

For More information regarding Nevada SLAPP Suit, Chilling Effect Lawsuit, First Amendment Suppression Lawsuit, Freedom of Expression Suppression Lawsuit, Click Below

                     District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL Docket Entries
                                         Where Judge Gloria Navarro Made a RULING.

Docket Entry 11
ORDER Granting 9 Motion for CM/ECF Access. Ms. Cox must provide certification that she has completed the CM/ECF Tutorial on or before 1/11/13. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peggy A. Leen on 12/11/12. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - EDS) (Entered: 12/12/2012)

Docket Entry 14
ORDER Granting 2 Motion for Temporary Restraining Order. Motion Hearing set for 1/7/2013 03:00 PM in LV Courtroom 7D before Judge Gloria M. Navarro re 2 Motion for Preliminary Injunction. Responses due by 12/28/2012. Replies due by 1/4/2013. Signed by Judge Gloria M. Navarro on 12/14/2012. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SLR) (Entered: 12/17/2012)

Docket Entry 27
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Judge Gloria M. Navarro, on 1/4/2013. denying 22 Motion to Request This Court Investigate Plaintiff Marc Randazza. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - SLR) (Entered: 01/04/2013)

Docket Entry 35
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Motion Hearing held on 1/7/2013 before Judge Gloria M. Navarro. Crtrm Administrator: Michael Zadina; Pla Counsel: Ronald Green; Def Counsel: None present; Court Reporter/FTR #: Araceli Bareng; Time of Hearing: 3:49-4:09 a.m.; Courtroom: 7D;

The Court makes preliminary remarks and hears representations from Mr. Green regarding the 2 Motion for Preliminary Injunction. IT IS ORDERED that 19 Motion for Judges and Clerks to Sign a Conflict of Interest Disclosure is DENIED; 20 Motion Requesting the Recusal, Removal of District Judge is DENIED; 31 Motion to Strike Defendant Cox's Reply to Response is DENIED; and 2 Motion for Preliminary Injunction is GRANTED. Mr. Green shall file a proposed order consistent with the Court's ruling.
(Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MJZ) (Entered: 01/08/2013)

Docket Entry 36
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Judge Gloria M. Navarro, on 1/8/2013. By Deputy Clerk: Michael Zadina.
This case has been assigned to the Honorable Gloria M. Navarro. Judge Navarro's Chambers Practices, which are posted on the U.S. District Court, District of Nevada public website, may also be accessed directly via this hyperlink:
(no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MJZ) (Entered: 01/08/2013)

Docket Entry 40
ORDER that 16 Plaintiffs' Motion to Strike is DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peggy A. Leen on 1/9/13. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MMM) (Entered: 01/11/2013)

Docket Entry 41
ORDER that 2 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction is GRANTED. (See Order for details). FURTHER ORDERED that Plaintiffs shall receive a $600 refund from the Court for the six domain names that were transferred pursuant to the WIPO arbitration decision. The Court shall keep the nominal bond of one hundred dollars ($100) for each of the other twenty-six domain names at issue because the evidence indicates that Defendant will suffer only minimal, if any, damage by the issuance of this preliminary injunction. FURTHER ORDERED that 19 MOTION for Judges and Clerks to Sign a Conflict of Interest Disclosure is DENIED. FURTHER ORDERED that 20 MOTION for Judge Gloria Navarro to Recuse Herself is DENIED. FURTHER ORDERED that 31 Plaintiffs Motion to Strike Defendant Crystal Coxs Fugitive Surreply to Motion for Preliminary Injunction is DENIED. Signed by Judge Gloria M. Navarro on 1/11/13. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF: cc Finance - MMM) (Entered: 01/11/2013)

Docket Entry 76
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS Regarding the Requirements of Klingele v. Eikenberry and Rand v. Rowland as to 75 MOTION for Summary Judgment: Opposition due twenty-one (21) days from the date of this Minute Order, and reply due fourteen (14) days after the filing of the opposition. Signed by Judge Gloria M. Navarro. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MAJ) (Entered: 02/12/2013)

Posted here by 
Pro Se Defendant / Pro Se Counter Plaintiff
Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Mike Stack, Sean Tompkins, Representative Anthony Weiner and, hmmm.. so who is operating

Mike Stack is said to be "Besties" with Sean Tompkins. Rumors are that Tara Akinlose is running So what is really going on? Coming Soon to a Lawsuit Near You..

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Aircell LLC Server, Alleged Co-Conspirator, Counter Defendant of District of Nevada Case 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL threatens Monica Foster and Crystal Cox of Murder through Web Stats

"murder monica foster "crystal cox" "

Visitor Analysis & System Spec
Search Referral:
Host Name:Browser:Chrome 24.0
IP Address: — [Label IP Address]Operating System:MacOSX
Location:United StatesResolution:1440x900
Returning Visits:73Javascript:Enabled
Visit Length:3 mins 1 secISP:Aircell Llc

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16 Feb15:05:08
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