Thursday, February 14, 2013 ~ " is back online… Those who claimed to have brought it down DID NOT."


pornwikileaks site restoredMonica Foster commentary: It appears that as of 2/10/2013 the entire site has been restored. The people (namely the Free Speech CoalitionAri Bass and Sean Tompkins) who claimed to have brought Pornwikileaks to a close should have TOLD THE TRUTH, but they did not due to their desire for financial gain.
According to @RealAdultJobs on twitter, Donny Long doesn’t own Pornwikileaks.
Click to enlarge.
Click to enlarge.
So back on Jul 15 2011 when we pulled offline Donny Long wrote a blog for and about us here:
Donny Long - started which is a key piece to the puzzle of the future of the pornographic industry.
Donny Long – started which is a key piece to the puzzle of the future of the pornographic industry.
Now in that blog post Donny Long says many interesting things.
“If you want to all live in peace and see PWL stay down then I ask you to leave me and others alone.”
“All these things being done to me and others before PWL even started was what lead to PWL being put up in the first place.”
“A big difference between and PWL was that the public made PWL. I can tell you that most of the posters, wiki editors and people that made the content of the site were the porn industry insiders doing it to people that worked along side the people they were bashing.”
“Dont twist my words because I am not saying I am the owner of PWL but I am saying that the site was there for a purpose and the purpose has been met for now unless the attacks continue. “
“PS. If the site reapears you can blame whoever didnt remove all the bullshit, libel and or personal info about me or others.”
Well one of the reasons we pulled PWL was we felt enough people were being affected by PWL and that if we pulled it offline people would learn their lesson and leave things a lone. Well just like all fags and whores lie all fags and whores are dumber than a rock and cant keep their attention whore mouths closed.
Donny Long and the rest of us here at PWL now dont give a flying fuck what the gay mafia does to us or anyone around us cause this is a full out war to the death this time. People are going to lose jobs, business are going to go under, peoples lives are going to change just like the last time we were here. Look what we did to Sharon Mitchell now picking food from garbage cans and giving blow jobs for crack rocks on Hollywood BLVD. Well a lot of you are in our sights and will be next. This next data leak is going to hurt the industry really bad and make the government do a crack down on a lot of the illegal shit going on like pimping.
We have many new industry inside players in our team now and even if they get exposed they just dont fucking care cause the gay mafia has affected their income and business so bad that they want revenge. RUN AND HIDE MOTHER FUCKERS CAUSE JUSTICE IS COMING FOR YOU"
 Source of Post

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