Here are the anti-sex worker comments made by none other than Michael Whiteacre himself. I will speak no more and I will let HIS comments and contradictions do the talking for him. Enjoy!
Now, Michael Whiteacre aka Ari Bass is supposed to be very pro freedom of speech (he is in fact a member of the Free Speech Coalition **), YET, when I tried to reply to his misogynist, sexist and warped comments, he BANNED me! So much for "Freedom of speech" unless you agree with him. Goes to show he does not and never will practice what he preaches, LOL!)
Now, Michael Whiteacre cosigned ie agreed with what this loony tune, a youtube user by the name, "Justwhatyoudeserve", says. Well, here is how Mr. Bitch Punk "justwhatyoudeserve" feels about sex workers:
He says in regards to Shelley Lubben's stance, "It would have looked better if she said, 'Yes', I made MISTAKES..."
Now the emphasis here is on mistake. That is the operative word. Now, why use the term, "Mistake", to refer to escorting...unless that is how he really feels about it...
I raise that hypocrisy with Mr. Bytch Punk "Justwhatyoudeserve" and here is his response in which he refers to me as an "idiot", showing how little respect he has for the cause, oops, I mean, "people" he is supposed to want to fight for since he wants his porn and porn is the only way this jerkwad, no dick loser could jerk off since no womyn and not even my whore ass would want him or his money (and of course I was miffed, these people are supposed to represent "us"):
Now here is Michael Whiteacre agreeing with this punk twerp who puts down sex workers and is not ashamed to admit it:
So much for porn and sex work advocate. I think these people need to be kicked out of OUR MOVEMENT and our voices need to be raised to represent OUR struggle, instead of letting these misogynist dummies make a mockery of us!"
Now, Michael Whiteacre aka Ari Bass is supposed to be very pro freedom of speech (he is in fact a member of the Free Speech Coalition **), YET, when I tried to reply to his misogynist, sexist and warped comments, he BANNED me! So much for "Freedom of speech" unless you agree with him. Goes to show he does not and never will practice what he preaches, LOL!)
Now, Michael Whiteacre cosigned ie agreed with what this loony tune, a youtube user by the name, "Justwhatyoudeserve", says. Well, here is how Mr. Bitch Punk "justwhatyoudeserve" feels about sex workers:
He says in regards to Shelley Lubben's stance, "It would have looked better if she said, 'Yes', I made MISTAKES..."
Now the emphasis here is on mistake. That is the operative word. Now, why use the term, "Mistake", to refer to escorting...unless that is how he really feels about it...
I raise that hypocrisy with Mr. Bytch Punk "Justwhatyoudeserve" and here is his response in which he refers to me as an "idiot", showing how little respect he has for the cause, oops, I mean, "people" he is supposed to want to fight for since he wants his porn and porn is the only way this jerkwad, no dick loser could jerk off since no womyn and not even my whore ass would want him or his money (and of course I was miffed, these people are supposed to represent "us"):
Now here is Michael Whiteacre agreeing with this punk twerp who puts down sex workers and is not ashamed to admit it:
So much for porn and sex work advocate. I think these people need to be kicked out of OUR MOVEMENT and our voices need to be raised to represent OUR struggle, instead of letting these misogynist dummies make a mockery of us!"
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